A Reflection on How Accessibility is Woven in to My Instructional Design Practices In my experience as an Instructional Designer in the last decade, many overarching issues have surfaced as to how the university systems…
Sarah Young
A Reflection on How Accessibility is Woven in to My Instructional Design Practices In my experience as an Instructional Designer in the last decade, many overarching issues have surfaced as to how the university systems…
What is Digital Citizenship? Are you good Digital Citizen? Are you even a Citizen? What do you mean by digital? With so many questions out there, here is a baker’s dozen of my favorite items…
I started following Eric Stoller when I was studying accessibility 5 years ago. He hosted a webinar on Web accessibility and I found his presentation style on the topic thorough, concise and easily understandable for anyone…
My reflections for all chapters of Doug Belshaw’s “The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies” can be found on the wiki for the book under the page “Reflections by Sarah Frick” within our Nousion Reading Group…
How I customized my WordPress blog site with widgets, menus and the Jetpack plugin.
I used Vialogues to comment and react to “No Digital Facelifts: Thinking the Unthinkable About Open Educational Experiences” video by Gardner Campbell. As a process within this tool, I was able to use Vialogues to…
In reading the Dr. Vannevar Bush article As We May Think, I had fun thinking about the parellels to to the modern day tools as he foresees. Credit cards, speech to text technology, GoPros, PLN’s,…
I have invited Doug Belshaw to followup with Chris Lott on the ongoing, age old “Literacy? Why not Fluency?” Debate. We will see where it goes. See the full original conversation. @fncll @dajbelshaw Maybe continue…